Alcohol addiction treatment – is it really necessary?
Alcohol abuse treatment – is it really necessary? Alcohol abuse is a growing problem, which is why it is important to seek professional help if you have an alcohol problem. Treating alcohol addiction can be a challenge, but it is possible to find the right...Alcohol addiction treatment – is it really necessary?
Alcohol abuse is a growing problem, which is why it is important to seek professional help if you have an alcohol problem. Treating alcohol addiction can be a challenge, but it is possible to find the right treatment to suit your needs. In this article, we will take a...
Alkoholmisbrug behandling – er det virkelig nødvendigt?
Alkoholmisbrug behandling – er det virkelig nødvendigt? Alkoholmisbrug er et stigende problem, og derfor er det vigtigt at søge professionel hjælp, hvis man har et alkoholproblem. Behandling af alkoholmisbrug kan være en udfordring, men det er muligt at finde...
Nøglen til et liv uden misbrug – misbrugsbehandling
Nøglen til et liv uden misbrug – misbrugsbehandling Professionel misbrugsbehandling kan hjælpe dig med at komme videre og få et liv uden misbrug. Misbrugsbehandling er en af de mest effektive måder at hjælpe mennesker, der har et misbrugsproblem. Det kan være en...Ludomania symptoms
Ludomania symptoms Do you know the signs of gambling addiction? Are you worried about being addicted to games such as sports betting, slot machines or casino games like poker, roulette or blackjack? Gambling addiction – also called pathological gambling,...
Alfa has 20 years of experience in residential drug treatment
Alfa has 20 years of experience in residential drug treatment Efficient and professional help! Residential drug treatment in a quiet, private oasis in North Zealand. At Alfa, we have over 20 years of experience while constantly innovating to match our addiction...
Danish champion in saunagus
At Alfa-Fredensborg, saunagus is part of the therapy. However, saunas are not part of the compulsory treatment programme, but are offered to all residents. Of course, we have a master of ceremonies on staff – and it’s not just anyone. Our sauna master is...
The grim traces of past day treatments
Many addicts have experienced residential treatment that has damaged them for life with humiliation and shame – unfortunately it is still a taboo that no one dares to speak out about. That’s why Alfa Fredensborg Addiction Centre has introduced the HB model, which ensures stress-free 24-hour treatment so you can be free of your addiction and become who you are

Tidligere døgnbehandlingers dystre spor
Mange misbrugere har oplevet døgnbehandlinger, som har skadet dem for livet med ydmygelse og skam – det er desværre bare endnu er tabu, som ingen tør tale højt om. Derfor har misbrugscentret Alfa Fredensborg indført HB-modellen, som sikrer stressfri døgnbehandling, så du kan blive fri af din afhængighed og blive den, du er

No stress and rules in Alfa’s residential treatment – Interview with resident
No stress and rules in Alfa’s residential treatment – Interview with resident Residential treatment is traditionally full of rules and regulations, but at Alfa Fredensborg the rules are almost non-existent. It makes for both calmer treatment and happier...
Ingen stress og regler i Alfas døgnbehandling – Interview med beboer
Ingen stress og regler i Alfas døgnbehandling – Interview med beboer Døgnbehandling er traditionelt fyldt med regler og påbud, men på Alfa Fredensborg er reglerne nærmest ikke eksisterende. Det giver både en roligere behandling og gladere klienter. Samtidig erkender...
News from the addiction treatment May 21
Alfa newsletter May 2021 “Do you remember what you said to your caseworker when you wanted to go into day treatment?” The question could have been taken from a conversation with a citizen at Alfa-Fredensborg. Previously, addiction treatment was something...
Nyt fra misbrugsbehandlingen maj 21
Nyt fra misbrugsbehandlingen maj 21 Alfa nyhedsbrev maj 2021 ”Kan du huske hvad, du sagde til din sagsbehandler, da du gerne ville i døgnbehandling?” Spørgsmålet kunne være taget ud af en samtale med en borger på Alfa-Fredensborg. Tidligere var misbrugsbehandling...What is Tramadol?
Tramadol Definition, side effects and treatment for addiction. Get help today Call 48 40 60 Get help for a drug addiction Are you taking medicine with tramadol and developing an addiction to the drug? Unfortunately, dependence is not uncommon for painkillers. This...Ludomania treatment
Ludomania treatment – and help for gambling addiction Gambling addiction is an addiction that can have serious consequences. It is an addiction that develops over several years and most often it will cause severe financial problems for the addict as well as...
User involvement for good addiction treatment
User involvement that works The residents themselves help to design their treatment offer at Alfa-Fredensborg Call 48 40 40 60 ; User involvement at Alfa-Fredensborg in 2020 Residents at Alfa-Fredensborg design their own treatment content through...
Brugerindflydelse til god misbrugsbehandling
Brugerindflydelse til god misbrugsbehandling Beboerne er selv med til at designe deres behandlingstilbud på Alfa-Fredensborg Beboerne på Alfa-Fredensborg designer, igennem brugerindflydelse, deres eget behandlingsindhold. Succesraten og brugertilfredsheden er steget...
Monitoring report 2019 Alfa-Fredensborg
Monitoring report 2019 Social supervision ensures quality at Alfa Call 48 40 40 60 ; The social inspectorate has visited again Here are some highlights from the monitoring report and our overall score at the bottom. “During the...
Tilsynsrapport 2019 Alfa-Fredensborg
Tilsynsrapport 2019 Alfa-Fredensborg Socialtilsynet sikrer kvaliteten på Alfa Socialtilsynet har været på besøg igen Her er nogle nedslag i tilsynsrapporten og vores samlede score i bunden. Udtalelse “Socialtilsynet har ved tilsynet den 11. september 2019 haft et...
How are things at Alfa?
How are things at Alfa-Fredensborg? We have carried out a major renovation where most rooms and common areas have been painted and renovated. Our residents have a good bond and many of them form long-lasting drug relationships. Over the last year, we have treated over...
Hvordan går det på Alfa?
Hvordan går det på Alfa? Større renovering, flotte farver og lækker atmosfære Vi har gennemført en større renovering hvor de fleste værelser og fællesområder er blevet malet og renoveret. Vores beboere har et godt sammenhold og der er mange af dem der danner...
Quality of Alfa Fredensborg
The quality of treatment at Alfa Fredensborg is very important to us. Our goal is to score as high as possible on all measurable parameters when it comes to addiction treatment. At the same time, the familiar and present atmosphere will contribute to the residents’ recovery and the good atmosphere in the treatment community.

Kvaliteten af Alfa Fredensborg
Kvaliteten af behandlingen på Alfa Fredensborg ligger os meget på sinde. Vores målsætning er at score højst muligt på alle målbare parametre når det gælder misbrugsbehandling. Samtidigt med det vil den familiære og nærværende stemning medvirke til beboernes bedring og den gode stemning i behandlingsfællesskabet.

Holistic addiction treatment
Holistic addiction treatment When you refer to Alfa, you are referring to holistic addiction treatment that can help citizens no matter what stage of addiction they are in. We treat alcoholism and drug addiction in the age group 18 – 75 years from different...
Helhedsorienteret misbrugsbehandling
Helhedsorienteret misbrugsbehandling Misbrugsbehandling og hjælp i mange retninger Når du henviser til Alfa, så henviser du til helhedsorienteret misbrugsbehandling, der kan hjælpe borgere uanset hvilket stadie af misbrug de er i. Vi behandler alkoholisme og...
Alfa-Fredensborgs wants to make young people in care robust
Resilient young people in addiction treatmentAlfa-Fredensborg has just launched a collaboration with the Danish National Board of Health and Welfare and the Danish Committee for Health Education to increase the mentalisation, agency and social skills of young people...
Alfa-Fredensborg vil gøre anbragte unge robuste
Alfa-Fredensborg vil gøre anbragte unge robuste Robuste unge i misbrugsbehandling Alfa-Fredensborg har skudt et samarbejde i gang med Socialstyrelsen og Komiteen for Sundhedsoplysning om at øge anbragte unges mentaliseringsevne, handlekraft og sociale færdigheder....
Brain function of children in care
Scans show children’s brain function (Photo: Ann E. Knudsen) To the conference Learning and Mastering d. 13 November 2017 neuropsychology researcher Ann E. Knudsen gave a presentation on the brains of children in care, and with the help of scanning images she...