Alcohol treatment and addiction treatment
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How to get addiction and alcohol treatment in the municipality of Copenhagen and all other municipalities in Denmark
All citizens in need of alcohol or drug treatment have the opportunity to be granted 24-hour treatment if the municipality deems this to be the need. If you are about to decide to go into treatment for alcohol addiction, it is important that you research the different places available and assess for yourself which place could be of benefit to you.
Addiction treatment within the municipality of Copenhagen
There is freedom of choice! The municipality has a duty to inform you of the rules around this, and to give you a complaint procedure if you do not receive the offer you think you are entitled to. The fact that you have been in treatment for alcohol or drug abuse many times cannot be the only reason why you can no longer get help.
The municipality can refuse free choice if you have psychosis, severe character defects or actual psychiatric disorders to such an extent that you cannot make a rational choice yourself. The municipality can also refuse free choice if you do not have the ability to manage or complete a course of treatment. However, these are exceptions and cannot be a general trend.
See also: Drug treatment
What does it mean if you live in the municipality of Copenhagen and seek alcohol treatment?
This means that you are free to choose Alfa-Fredensborg if you are offered a day treatment by your municipality. However, the 14-day deadline cannot be enforced if you wish to take advantage of an offer other than the one indicated by the municipality.
Some municipalities prefer to cooperate with individual day-care centres, but this cooperation does not override free choice.
Your municipality must start treatment within 14 days of your first request
It varies how the different municipalities have arranged themselves, but this treatment must be one of these types:
- ✓ Outpatient treatment, where you come between 1 and 8 times a month
- ✓
Day treatment
, which is more intensive, typically 4 times a week - ✓
Day treatment
, The most intensive type of treatment which includes living on site
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Example of possibilities for addiction and alcohol treatment in the municipality of Copenhagen.
In the municipality of Copenhagen, treatment efforts are divided into stages:
Stage I – outpatient alcohol treatment – course:
Outpatient consultations 1-2 times per fortnight (typically more often during the investigation period).
In some cases, outpatient treatment can last for a long time.
Stage II – day treatment:
Typically between 3-5 days a week of about 4-5 hours a day.
Stage III – day treatment:
Typically over a period of up to 6 months.
To assess the burden of addiction, your problem severity in relation to the substances is assessed. This problem severity is combined with your previous treatment attempts, if any. High problem severity and many previous treatment attempts point towards a higher treatment level. That is, if you are very distressed and have had many treatment attempts behind you, you will eventually be offered day treatment.
Common to all steps is that there is free choice within the same step. You can therefore choose another public or private treatment that is at the same level as the one you have been referred to.
In the municipality of Copenhagen, it is not the therapist who decides where you will be offered treatment, but you will be visited to step 1, 2 or 3. The referral committee then decides which place to refer you to.
This is where your freedom of choice comes in, after a visit has been made.
Common to all referrals from the public sector is that instructions must be included on how to complain about the offer you have received. If you want to complain, in most municipalities you can send it directly to the mayor’s office.
Get help to get your preferred treatment place
Do you want treatment for your alcohol addiction and do you want help?
If you are in doubt and would like assistance with a treatment request, we can help you find the local authority staff who can help you.
Contact us here or call +45 48 40 40 60.
See also: Prices for alcohol and drug treatment
See also: Ludomaniac treatment
We offer help with alcohol treatment
If you need anonymous advice on addiction treatment or alcohol treatment, you are always welcome to contact us.
The treatment at Alfa Fredensborg is for those who live in Copenhagen or the rest of the country. We’re ready to help you and your loved ones get out of your alcohol or drug addiction, so call us now if you want help.