Prostitution exit for women in addiction treatment
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Addiction treatment for prostitution challenges
Alfa-Fredensborg has received a grant of DKK 1,200,000 from the Danish National Board of Social Affairs for a new project to help citizens in addiction treatment to overcome the challenges of prostitution.
The two-year project, which will be launched on. 1 September 2017. A project that will allow citizens to get extra assistance, advice and support in the transition to a life without prostitution
In this context, the funds will be spent on a counselling team consisting of a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a debt counsellor, a CTI worker/contact person and a trainer with skills in ending prostitution.
Alfa helps
Alfa-Fredensborg’s director, Jørgen Maltesen, welcomes the new possibilities offered by the grant, as prostitution often takes place in abusive environments. He points out that “unlike street-level prostitution prevention organisations, we have the advantage that our residents have reached a stage where they are willing to enter treatment. And to change a negative behaviour pattern.
In other words, we are in a good position to help people with prostitution challenges because they are already in treatment for addiction and are shielded from the environment. Environments where they usually sell sexual services.”
Individual needs and support
It is the Socialstyrelsen’s assessment that the project’s content, activities and method of psychological counselling. Setting up longer-term CTI support and debt counselling etc. would address the individual needs of citizens. Need for support and treatment to change behaviour towards prostitution sexit.
During the two years of the project, a minimum of 24 people are expected to be supported, and the project will be carried out in cooperation with AlfaRehab. So the offer can reach out to citizens in both day, outpatient, day and outpatient treatment. In this way, we will be able to offer support to prostitutes at all stages of their addiction treatment.
Read more about the practices of the project here
For questions, please contact Mette Jännes Larsen on phone 48 40 40 60 or
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